How To Gain Weight In Diabetes?

Diabetes is when your body is unable to produce insulin (Type I) or it is unable to effectively use whatever insulin that your pancreas makes (Type II). Since insulin is what the body uses to metabolise and store sugar, without insulin, the sugar in your blood is neither used nor stored. So, you may be eating food with a high energy content but all that excess sugar isn’t being utilised. What is diabetes? Where does the body draw energy from? From the fat and muscles. The longer your body is not able to use sugar, the more regularly it gets energy from the fat stored all over your body. Eventually, this leads to weight loss. There rises a need to gain weight in diabetes. 

There are many diabetics who have problems with excessive weight loss. Sudden and extreme weight loss is one of the common signs of Type I diabetes. But sudden weight loss is not limited to Type I diabetes, it may also be experienced by type II diabetics. However, a lot of diabetics require assistance when it comes to gaining weight. Through this article we have tried to provide a basic guide to help you understand what is type 2 diabetes and ways for diabetics to gain weight the healthy way.

Diabetes and Weight Gain

Answering the question about how to gain weight with diabetes starts with whether gaining weight will be healthy or not for the diabetics.

If you are overweight and experience sudden weight loss (due to diabetes), your doctor might not suggest that you return to your original weight. The more likely scenario with Type 2 diabetes weight loss would be the advice to keep your weight at an optimum level with a healthy diet. 

Type 1 diabetes weight loss is more common since the people dealing with it lack any insulin. With more fat and muscles getting used for energy production, weight loss is more likely and often more dramatic in Type I diabetics. 

How to Gain Weight with Diabetes?

Before going through this list, understand that you need to first speak with your doctor. If your diabetologist says that you need to gain weight, consider working with a dietician.

1. Knowing Your Ideal Weight 

You may not need to worry about how to gain weight with diabetes if you already are at your ideal weight. Start by talking to your doctor and figure out what is your ideal weight and what steps you need to take. 

2. Consuming Small Meals 

Eating smaller meals at a higher frequency may improve your calorie intake. The major point to consider with diabetes and weight gain is balancing between a higher calorie intake and avoiding blood sugar spikes. So, even if you are eating more meals, they all need to be diabetic-safe. Whole grains, lean meats, certain fruits, and vegetables are some good choices.

3. Having Carbs the Right Way 

Carbs can spike your blood sugar but there is a healthy way to consume them even with diabetes. Start by choosing healthy carbs like legumes, unprocessed cereals, seeds, and berries. Make sure to balance your carbs with fat and protein (at each meal!). 

4. Increasing Protein Intake 

Proteins are an excellent choice to gain weight for diabetics. It does not increase your blood sugar and also helps you to feel full. This can cut down on cravings for unhealthy foods. Additionally, a higher intake of protein supports the formation of increased muscle mass. 

5. Working Out 

Having a protein-rich diet without exercise won’t help you gain weight in Diabetes. Using weights, resistance training, and other appropriate routines along with your new diet is the final step for healthy weight gain with diabetes.


While it may not be obvious, gaining weight in Diabetes is quite hard for many. While this short guide may be helpful, it cannot be stressed enough that this should not be taken as medical advice. Before making any dietary changes, you need to get them approved by your doctor.

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